
Hytera offers training courses to introduce the company's products and solutions to its partners and end users. A comprehensive curriculum is available and is delivered by Hytera's teams of experienced instructors. The courses will assist partners to acquire a more advanced understanding of Hytera’s products and solutions and allow them to better assist end users meet their existing and future business challenges. End users will acquire an all-round and in-depth knowledge on specific products and solutions that will improve efficiency in their daily and future operations.
hytera imageFor End Users
Master the skills you need to operate and maintain the Hytera products.
hytera imageFor Partners
Master the skills you need to install, deploy, operate and maintain the Hytera products.

Methods of Delivery

  • Face-to-Face Training

    Face-to-Face Training

    Courses are delivered either at Hytera’s training centres in China, Dubai and Turkey or at a location as requested by customers.

  • Online Training

    Online Training

    Courses are conducted via video conferencing tools such as Teams, Zoom, etc.

  • E-learning


    The customers will have the training course through online learning on Hytera web or Hytera APP

Training Courses

hytera customer training curriculum content

hytera video player